Crystal Reports Viewer
2015 |
- Download Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 – EXE 188MB The Product Availability Matrix for Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 is available on the SAP Community Network. It lists the specific platforms and configurations for Crystal Reports Viewer 2011.
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Crystal Reports Viewer is a Windows Store app that provides an easy way to open, view and print Crystal Reports files (.rpt) on all Windows devices!
Viewing Crystal reports
When you click a Crystal report, the report appears in a viewer. The type of viewer you have determines which tasks you can perform.
Crystal report viewers
Use Crystal report viewers to view reports, navigate multiple pages, refresh data, drill down to details behind charts and summarized data, select parameters, print, and export data.
Crystal report viewers support ActiveX, Java, and web-only viewing formats. Typically, your system administrator selects the viewer type that is best suited to your company’s needs. However, you can manually select a viewer in the BI launch pad preferences. Some features of Crystal report viewers may be disabled by your administrator. For more information, contact your administrator.
You can use Crystal report viewers to display reports even when you are not logged on to the BI platform.
For online access to Crystal reports through the Central Management Console (CMC), use the default DHTML web viewer. Do not use the legacy Java viewer, which does not provide the same functionality as the DHTML viewer.
Web viewer
Use this viewer to view, refresh, and print reports, edit parameters, and export reports to a variety of formats.
You can access the web viewer in a browser, without downloading a plug-in. It is the only Crystal report viewer that can access the parameter panel or that displays SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise reports.
For online access to Crystal reports through the Central Management Console (CMC), use the default DHTML web viewer. Do not use the legacy Java viewer, which does not provide the same functionality as the DHTML viewer.
Web viewer toolbar
Toolbar option | Description |
File menu | Use this menu to open a Crystal report from the BI repository, send a report to a recipient, create a shortcut in the My Favorites folder, schedule a report, and view report history. |
Web ActiveX viewer
Use this viewer to view, refresh, and print reports and to export reports to various formats.
The web ActiveX viewer can be used with Microsoft Internet Explorer versions that support ActiveX controls. You must download and install the ActiveX component. If ActiveX is not installed, you cannot use this viewer. For assistance, download ActiveX or contact your system administrator.
Web ActiveX viewer toolbar
Toolbar option | Description |
Click to export a Crystal report to your computer or to a location on a network. | |
Click to print a Crystal report. | |
Click to display the group tree, which you use to navigate through data in a Crystal report. | |
Click to go to the previous page in a Crystal report or to go to the next page, select Go to First Page and Go to Last Page in the list to go to the first or last page in a report, or enter a page number in the box to go to that page. | |
Click to stop loading a Crystal report. | |
Click to refresh a Crystal report to the most current data from the report’s data source. | |
Enter text in the box, and click to search for the text in a Crystal report. | |
Select a percentage in the list to zoom or reduce text in a Crystal report by that per- centage. |
Web Java viewer
Use this viewer to view, refresh, and print reports and to export reports to a variety of formats.
You can access the web Java viewer in any browser that supports Java Virtual Machine. Some browsers may experience minor issues when scrolling through reports in the web Java viewer. The issues are due to the implementation of Java Virtual Machine. If your browser experiences problems, repeatedly click the scroll buttons to scroll–do not hold down the scroll buttons.
For online access to Crystal reports through the Central Management Console (CMC), use the default DHTML web viewer. Do not use the legacy Java viewer, which does not provide the same functionality as the DHTML viewer.
Crystal Reports Viewer Freeware
Web Java viewer toolbar
Toolbar option | Description |
Click to print a Crystal report. | |
Click to refresh a Crystal report to the most current data from the report’s data source. | |
Click to export a Crystal report to your computer or to a loca tion on a network. | |
Click to stop loading a Crystal report. | |
Click to show or hide the group tree, which you use to navigate through data in a Crystal report. |
Click a button to go to a page in a Crystal report:
Displays the number of pages in a Crystal report. To go to a particular page in a report, enter the page number in the box. |
Click to search for text in a Crystal report. |
Select a percentage in the list to zoom or reduce text in a Crystal report by that percentage. |
Crystal Reports viewer 2011
Use SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011 to view downloaded Crystal reports, without connecting to the BI platform. SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011 is installed on your computer automatically. Use it to perform the following tasks:
- Print or export reports
- Save reports
- Select data to view
- Drill down on data in reports
- View multiple reports
SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011 functions the same as Crystal report viewers in the BI launch pad. For more information about SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011, see the SAP Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 Help.
Installing Crystal Reports viewer 2011
When you install the Crystal Reports viewer 2011, it resides as a client-software viewer on your computer. This task applies only to the English-language version of the web site.
1. In a browser, go to
2. In the Search box on the web page, search for Crystal Reports Viewer.
3. In the search results, double-click the first result called SAP Crystal Reports Viewer.
The SAP Crystal Reports viewer web page appears, with a Download Now link on the right side of the page
4. Download and run the SAP Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 installation program.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions, accepting the default values.
6. Click Finish.
SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011 opens when you double-click a Crystal report (.rpt) file on your computer. However, if SAP Crystal Reports is installed on your computer, it takes precedence over SAP Crystal Reports viewer 2011 and displays reports by default
Crystal Reports viewer 2011 toolbar
Toolbar option | Description |
Click to export a Crystal report to your local computer or to a location on a net work. | |
Click to print a Crystal report. | |
Click to show or hide the group tree, which you use to navigate through data in a Crystal report. | |
Click to go to the previous page in a Crystal report or to go to the next page, select Go to First Page and Go to Last Page in the list to go to the first or last page in a report, or enter a page number in the box to go to that page. | |
Click to refresh a Crystal report to the most current data from the report’s data source. | |
Enter text in the box, and click to search for the text in a Crystal report. | |
Select a percentage in the list to zoom or reduce text in a Crystal report by that percentage. |
Opening the group tree in a Crystal report viewer
Use the group tree to navigate through data in a Crystal report.
Click on the left side of the web viewer.
Drilling on data in a Crystal report
You can drill on a Crystal report to see the data under charts and summarized groups.
In a Crystal report viewer, double-click a link in a report.
Viewing and editing parameters of Crystal reports in a web viewer
You must use a web viewer to view and edit parameters in Crystal reports.
1. Locate and select the Crystal report to view.
3. If prompted to enter report values, enter the values.
You must enter report values before you can view the report.
4. Select the data to view, and click OK.
5. To select the parameters to access in the report, click
The parameter panel displays the report parameters.
6. Select a parameter.
7. To edit the parameter value, perform either of the following actions:
– On the parameter panel, enter a new value.
– Click > to open an editing dialog box, enter a new value, and click OK.
8. Edit the remaining parameters as needed.
9. To view the report with the new parameter values, click Apply.
Viewing alerts in a Crystal report
You can view alerts for a Crystal report in the Central Management Console (CMC).
1. Go to the Folders management area of the CMC.
2. Locate the folder or category that contains the Crystal report to view, and select the report.
![Viewer Viewer](
The Alerts dialog box appears, displaying the instances that triggered the alert.
4. Double-click an instance title to open an instance.
Printing Crystal reports
You can print successful instances of Crystal reports and of reports viewed on demand.
Depending on the Crystal report viewer you use, the steps in this task may vary. However, the general instructions for printing reports are the same. If on-screen instructions are provided, follow them instead of performing this task.
Note: The person who designs a report chooses the page orientation. You cannot change it in the Print dialog box.
1. Open the document to print.
2. On the viewer toolbar, click .
3. In the Print dialog box, under Print range, select All or enter the page range to print.
4. Under Copies, enter the number of copies to print.
Select the Collate check box to print pages in numerical order. For example, if you are printing two copies of a four-page report, your report prints pages one, two, three, and four of the first copy and then prints pages one, two, three, and four of the second copy.
5. (Web viewer and web ActiveX viewer) Under Printer Paper, select the paper size and the paper source options.
6. (Web viewer and web ActiveX viewer) Under Options, if a Crystal report is wide but should print on one page, click Fit Horizontal Pages to One Page.
7. To print Flash objects embedded in a Crystal report, select Print Flash Objects for Current Page.
8. Click OK.
Exporting Crystal reports
You can export successful instances of Crystal reports and of reports viewed on demand to multiple formats. For reports that you can drill down on, export the drilled-down view. For example, you can export data that
predicts sales trends to an Excel spreadsheet and then email it to the sales team.
1. Open the Crystal report to view.
2. On the viewer toolbar, click .
3. In the Export dialog box, in the File Format list, select a file format to export the Crystal report to.
4. Under Page Range, select All Pages or enter the range of pages to export.
5. Click Export.
Export format options
You can export Crystal reports to these file formats.
When you export a Crystal report to a file format other than .rpt, the report may lose some or all of its formatting. The BI launch pad attempts to preserve as much formatting as each export format allows.
Flash objects only appear if you export to a Crystal report format (.rpt or .rptr) or to .pdf. Fallback images appear when exporting to all other formats. For information about scheduling a Crystal report to a specific format, see exporting information in the SAP Crystal Reports 2011 User Guide.
File format | Description | |
Crystal Reports | .rpt format. You cannot export to this file format from a dril led-down view. | |
Crystal Reports (RPTR) | .rptr format. This read-only file format attempts to pre serve the appearance of the original Crystal report. | |
Microsoft Excel (97-2003) | .xls format | |
Microsoft Excel (97-2003) (Data Only) | .xls format. This file format is width='312'> Microsoft Word (97-2003) | .doc format |
.pdf format | ||
Rich Text Format (RTF) | .rtf. This file format can be displayed only in the web viewer. | |
Microsoft Word - Editable (RTF) | .doc format. This file format preserves less formatting than the Microsoft Word (97-2003) format. Text appears in lines, and images are placed inline with text. | |
Separated Values (CSV) | .csv format | |
XML | .xml format |
5.5.8 Interactively sorting data in a Crystal report
1. Open a Crystal report that uses interactive sorting.
2. Select the value to sort on.
3. Click an arrow to sort data in the report:
– To sort data in ascending order, click.
– To sort data in descending order, click.