
Pokemon Glazed List

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  1. Pokemon Glazed Legendary Pokemon List
  2. Pokemon Glazed Pokedex List
  3. Pokemon Glazed Evolution List

This page contains a list of Pokemon found in Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Glazed Cheat Codes: Full List of All Working Codes & Hacks Nelson Thornton October 14, 2016 27364 Pokemon Glazed cheat codes coupled with the Gameshark Codes are a perfect way to unlock your achievements faster and hasten the rate at which you finish your journey.

See List of Gen 4 Pokemon (Sinnoh) Pokedex for a list of the new Pokemon added in October 2018.

This list includes details and pictures of each Pokemon, the types of moves they can learn, and how much Pokemon Candy they need to evolve.

Click on a Pokemon below to see the full Pokedex page for every Pokemon. So, you're probably wondering just how many Pokemon there are in Generation One? Well, Generation One has a total of 146 available Pokemon for you to catch.

Pokemon can be discovered by exploring or hatching eggs. You can learn more about optimal Pokemon in our Pokemon Max CP section.

See Also: Legendary Pokemon, which can only be captured in Raids.

Pokemon 1-151 comprise the Gen 1 or Kanto Pokedex.

#001 Bulbasaur#002 Ivysaur#003 Venusaur
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#004 Charmander#005 Charmeleon#006 Charizard
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#007 Squirtle#008 Wartortle#009 Blastoise
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#010 Caterpie#011 Metapod#012 Butterfree
12 Candy to Evolve 50 Candy to Evolve -
#013 Weedle#014 Kakuna#015 Beedrill
12 Candy to Evolve 50 Candy to Evolve -
#016 Pidgey#017 Pidgeotto#018 Pidgeot
12 Candy to Evolve 50 Candy to Evolve -
#019 Rattata#020 Raticate
25 Candy to Evolve-
#021 Spearow#022 Fearow
50 Candy to Evolve -
#023 Ekans#024 Arbok
50 Candy to Evolve -
#025 Pikachu#026 Raichu
50 Candy to Evolve -
#027 Sandshrew#028 Sandslash
50 Candy to Evolve -
#029 Nidoran (f)#030 Nidorina#031 Nidoqueen
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#032 Nidoran (m)#033 Nidorino#034 Nidoking
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#035 Clefairy#036 Clefable
50 Candy to Evolve -
#037 Vulpix#038 Ninetales
50 Candy to Evolve -
#039 Jigglypuff#040 Wigglytuff
50 Candy to Evolve -
#041 Zubat#042 Golbat
50 Candy to Evolve -
#043 Oddish#044 Gloom#045 Vileplume
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#046 Paras#047 Parasect
50 Candy to Evolve -
#048 Venonat#049 Venomoth
50 Candy to Evolve -
#050 Diglett#051 Dugtrio
50 Candy to Evolve -
#052 Meowth#053 Persian
50 Candy to Evolve -
#054 Psyduck#055 Golduck
50 Candy to Evolve -
#056 Mankey#057 Primeape
50 Candy to Evolve -
#058 Growlithe#059 Arcanine
50 Candy to Evolve -
#060 Poliwag#061 Poliwhirl#062 Poliwrath
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#063 Abra#064 Kadabra#065 Alakazam
25 Candy to Evolve 100Candy to Evolve -
#066 Machop#067 Machoke#068 Machamp
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve -
#069 Bellsprout#070 Weepinbell#071 Victreebel
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve
#072 Tentacool#073 Tentacruel
50 Candy to Evolve -
#074 Geodude#075 Graveler#076 Golem
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Geodude Candy
#077 Ponyta#078 Rapidash
50 Candy to Evolve -
#079 Slowpoke#080 Slowbro
50 Candy to Evolve -
#081 Magnemite#082 Magneton
50 Candy to Evolve -
#083 Farfetch'd -
#084 Doduo#085 Dodrio
50 Candy to Evolve -
#086 Seel#087 Dewgong
50 Candy to Evolve -
#088 Grimer#089 Muk
50 Candy to Evolve -
#090 Shellder#091 Cloyster
50 Candy to Evolve -
#092 Gastly#093Haunter#094 Gengar
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve
#095 Onix -
#096Drowzee#097 Hypno
50 Candy to Evolve -
#098 Krabby#099 Kingler
50 Candy to Evolve -
#100 Voltorb#101 Electrode
50 Voltorb Candy -
#102 Exeggcute#103 Exeggutor
50 Candy to Evolve -
#104 Cubone#105 Marowak
50 Candy to Evolve -
#106 Hitmonlee -
#107 Hitmonchan -
#108 Lickitung -
#109 Koffing#110 Weezing
50 Candy to Evolve -
#111 Rhyhorn#112 Rhydon
50 Candy to Evolve -
#113 Chansey -
#114 Tangela -
#115 Kangaskhan -
#116 Horsea#117 Seadra

50 Candy to Evolve


#118 Goldeen#119 Seaking
50 Candy to Evolve -
#120 Staryu#121 Starmie
50 Candy to Evolve -
#122 Mr. Mime -
#123 Scyther -
#124 Jynx -
#125 Electabuzz -
#126 Magmar -
#127 Pinsir -
#128 Tauros -
#129 Magikarp#130 Gyarados
400 Candy to Evolve -
#131 Lapras -
#132 Ditto -
#133 Eevee#134 Vaporeon#135 Jolteon
25 Candy to Evolve (See: Eevee Evolutions) Random or Name Your Eevee: RainerRandom or Name Your Eevee: Sparky
#136 Flareon
Random or Name Your Eevee: Pyro
#137 Porygon -
50 Candy to Evolve -
#140 Kabuto#141 Kabutops
50 Candy to Evolve -
#142 Aerodactyl -
#143 Snorlax -
#144 Articuno -
#145 Zapdos -
#146 Moltres -
#147 Dratini#148 Dragonair#149 Dragonite
25 Candy to Evolve 100 Candy to Evolve
#150 Mewtwo -
#151 Mew

The List continues! See also:

  • List of Gen 3 Pokemon (Hoenn) Pokedex
EX Palen
02-08-15 02:38 PM
04-18-19 10:35 AM
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EX Palen
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POSTS: 155/4845
POST EXP: 837391
LVL EXP: 15656685
CP: 114896.0
VIZ: 7249281

Pokemon Glazed features a wide array of Legendary Pokemon from Generation 1 through 5. Here I’ll detail how to get every single one of them, listed by the Generation they belong to. Only three of these can be obtained without being engaged into battle: Mew will simply join you, Victini is a prize and Darkrai will hatch from an egg. You need an empty slot for Mew to join you, but you don’t need it for Victini or Darkrai (they will be sent to the PC instead).

NOTE:Legendary Pokemon are incredibly hard to catch. At most, you can have a 5% chance of catching them in every Pokeball throw. Only Celebi, Shaymin, Reshiram, Zekrom, Dialga and Palkia have substantially higher chances of being caught, surpassing 50% under very special circumstances. For those of you who don’t want to keep throwing Pokeballs, the game offers the chance to buy extra Masterballs at Trainer Isle, on Tower 2. To go there, just go to the bottom left corner of Stormy City and talk to the sailor inside the building. Once you go further in the game, there’s a Masterball Shop in Alpha Isle, in the Rankor region. Either way, they are hard to obtain, and getting enough Masterballs for all the Legendaries in this game can take years.

Before starting with business, there are two subquests you must clear to have access to some of the Legendaries.

Subquest: Ruins of Alph

This subquest involves the requirements to catch the Weather Trio: Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. This quest takes place in the Ruins of Alph, south of Violet City. To access it, however, you must go through U nion Cave. This cave can be accessed east of Azalea Town, or going south from Violet City into Route 32. My suggestion is Azalea Town. You will need Surf and Strength. Head left, up the steps and down the ladder. Once down, surf north, then continue walking north and take the south path (where going to the right means jumping back to the surf point). Move the rock with Strength and exit the cave. Here you will see the access to the Ruins of Alph, which looks different than the other, more accessible three. Inside, there are 3 blurred inscriptions. Starting from the center one, walk counterclockwise stepping in all exterior tiles, and after a full lap, a door will open. Enter and step into the switch. Now, you can catch the Weather Trio. They are at Embedded Tower, in Route 47. When entering Cliff Edge Cave, go down the ladder(s) and then surf west until you see some climbable rocks, which lead to Embedded Tower.

Subquest: Penthouse

Once beating Team Fusion in Ruins of Alph, one of the drudges will leave behind a Penthouse Key. Use it in Fusion Resort, in Serenity Isle, to access the top floor via elevator, where you can obtain three orbs needed for the Creation Trio: Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Of course, it’s not as simple as that, you will have to face some trainers to reach the orbs.

Generation I

Articuno:To battle it, you must first obtain the Ice Plume (see Generation V). Once you have it, revisit the place where Pius startled it: Mt Frozon, Kolo Isle, Rankor Region. Be careful, its level 80.

Zapdos: After obtaining the Thunderplume (see Generation V), go back to the point where you encountered it the first time: Mt Dyno, Nitro Isle, Rankor Region. Again, level 80.

Moltres: Obtain the Fire Plume first (see Generation V). Once you have it, go back to the point where Regina captured it: Mt Tritorch, Olcan Isle, Rankor Region. Once again, level 80.

Mewtwo:After getting the 7th Johto Badge, a Dragonite will appear to you in Route 44, before reaching the 8th gym. It will give you a message saying you need to go to New Island as soon as possible. Head to Olivine City and into the dock. Go south and Dive in the water. Resurface, go upstairs, grab the Blank CD on the left, and face Mewtwo. At first, it will act as a Trainer, using the same team as you, but with a moveset of its own. Defeat the cloned team and Mewtwo, at level 50, will face you directly.

Mew:After defeating the Tunod E4, return to the Fusion Labs, where you battled it before. Mew will be guilty for the destruction it brought, and willing to join you. It will be level 50.

Generation II

Suicune/Raikou/Entei:After Regina catches Ho-oh, go to Brass Tower, in Ecruteak City. At the top, Eusine wonders about something, and then leaves. After this, go to Bell Tower, in the same city. Unfortunately, you will have to do a little trick to catch these three. At the top of Bell Tower, use Dig. This will create a glitch in which you can walk through the walls. At the lower left corner, all three are waiting at level 50.

Lugia:After being released from Pius, it returns back to its resting place, the Whirl Islands. However, the Whirl Islands don’t exist anymore, since they sank in the ocean. A sailor in Route 40, near Olivine City, will accompany you to a place where he thinks Lugia dived. You will need to have Surf and Dive for this. Once taken there, you will also dive. Once in the sea floor, go right, then up through the passage, and then south. Take the left path and you will find a cave, where Lugia awaits. It will battle you at level 75.

Ho-oh:After being freed from Regina’s control, it will return to the top of the Brass Tower, in Ecruteak City. Go meet it there, and it will battle at level 75.

Celebi:After beating the Johto E4, the Ilex Forest will be green and leafy again. Go to the shrine where you met Celebi when the forest was burning. It will battle you at level 50.

Generation III

Regirock/Regice/Registeel:You will need Surf and Waterfall. Enter Mt. Stratus from Geminite Village. At the pool to your right, surf to the ladder. Once down, surf again, go up the waterfall and to the next ladder. The item on the right is a Nugget, just if you wonder. Once up, take either path until you get to see some steps that lead to nowhere. There’s a cave to the right, another to the left and one more beyond said steps. Entering the caves in that order, you face Registeel, Regirock and Regice, all at level 40.

Latios/Latias:East of Violet City, in Route 36, there’s the Legendary Pokemon Research Lab. It’s leader, Lars, will give you hints on where to locate them. Note that, unlike in Emerald, they don’t appear in the tall grass, instead they appear like every other Legendary, standing on a single point somewhere in the map. They both are at level 50. Also, Lars will only give reports of the location of one of them each day, so say goodbye to your dream of catching all Legendaries in a single run (you can’t be crazy enough as to roam the full map, am I right?).

Kyogre:After completing the Ruins of Alph Subquest, go to Slowpoke’s Well, in Azalea Town. After entering, follow the path until you eventually have to surf to get to a ladder. Once down, head to your left. Up the steps there’s a tablet. Interact with it, and you will fall down. Get the Sapphire, and go to Embedded Tower. Take the ladder down to the basement, and after descending for a while, you will get to a cave. Inside it, Kyogre awaits at level 50.

Groudon:In 3rd position for the hardest Pokemon to obtain stands Groudon. You must clear both the Ruins of Alph Subquest and Lance’s Subquest (see Palkia. However, go beyond that point and you will see Manaphy in the water. It will dive, so follow it. Climb the rocks, and you can battle it at level 50. It will have Mr Mime’s sprites while on your team or PC, but strangely enough, not its cry.

Darkrai: You need to clear the Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'
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(edited by EX Palen on 02-08-15 04:15 PM) Post Rating: 1 Liked By: pokegaming,

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POSTS: 1196/1596
POST EXP: 115709
LVL EXP: 3577563
CP: 9316.7
VIZ: 100617

EX Palen : Does this work in the Beta 7? If it does, I don't know where to use dig to get Entei, Suicune and Raikou.
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EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
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POSTS: 1989/4845
POST EXP: 837391
LVL EXP: 15656685
CP: 114896.0
VIZ: 7249281

tyranit : Per the game's description, it should also work on 7, as there's no mention of this glitch being corrected. If you have tried and successfully performed the trick in 6, it technically should work the same way in 7.
Now I have one more reason to go through the new beta and see the true extent of the differences with this version.
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tyranit : So I really need help and I would be so grateful if you or anyone else could help me. I'm playing beta 7 and I caught Ho-Oh before catching the beast trio and I they don't seem to be popping up. I wanted to know if I could still catch the trio if I catch Ho-Oh first. I'm actually really stressed out right now because I really don't want to start over so I would be REALLY grateful for any help. Please! And thank you so much!
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I've caught all the other legendaries except arceus but when I go the place where he should be, he isn't there
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Yeah same here, I'm playing glazed 7b. When I use dig, I revert back to the entrance of the Bell Tower. But when I enter the top of the tower, I can see suicune on the lower left. Not the whole body tho, just the lacy thing on his head, a little bit of that.
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Pokemon Glazed List
To the comment saying you can't use the dig trick in glazed. I am using the most up to date glazed version and it works perfectly fine.
and to the creator of this thread. If Regina has not released Ho-oh yet you are able to encounter and catch it via the same means as the roaming beasts.
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HoOhMaster :
That may be true in whatever version you are playing, but this guide was written about 2+ years ago for an earlier release of the game ( Beta 6 ). You can't fault the author of this thread when all of this is correct and accurate for the version it was written for.
Even if he wanted to edit it for a later version, the Guides submitted here are linked to the game's page, so if someone was playing Beta 6 and the guide had been updated, some of the information ( such as the Dig bug ), would no longer be accurate.
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Pokemon Glazed Legendary Pokemon List

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EX Palen : hello sir, i'm trying the step to get black and white kyurem in the pokemon blazed beta 7b reborn v 3.9, i went to both black and white cave, but everytime i'm interact with both stone there's no conversation to put the down the poke ball, i have the kyurem, zekrom and reshiram in my party, i was wondering am i missing a step or pre quest, i just complete the Tunod league and became the champion.
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EX Palen
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LVL EXP: 15656685
CP: 114896.0
VIZ: 7249281

pokegaming : Sadly, I can't be of help.
This guide was written for beta 6, an early version, so it's possible they've introduced changes in the way some things work and may have corrected some bugs (and maybe have created new ones too) in the updated version you're playing.
I'm glad you made it all the way here to reply to my guide in search of advice, but I haven't played that version, so I don't know what has been changed or modified.
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Pokemon Glazed Pokedex List

EX Palen : thank you sir for reply, i think im going to try at the beta version instead the reborn, maybe there's some bug or glitch.
Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'
Registered: 04-17-19
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Pokemon Glazed Evolution List